Microblading in Dubuque Iowa Reviews for Jennifer Hess

Dr. Marks is a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist in Dubuque, IA and may run across patients with Car Blow Injuries, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Sciatica, and more. Learn More About Dr. Marks

Dr. Marks has not provided a way to schedule online. However, you can chat with our Virtual Assistant to get assist finding a doctor.

Other Concrete Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialists Nearby

When deciding to see Dr. Marks, you can have into business relationship other patients' experiences. The PX Score™ and other cardinal patient experience ratings mensurate how other patients felt near the experience they had with Dr. Marks. Dr. Marks has a PX Score™ of iv.iv out of 5, which was calculated from viii reviews compiled from multiple online sources.

Dr. Marks'south PX Score™

Overall Patient Feel Rating

Based on viii Reviews.

Provider's Attitude

Evaluation of Dr. Marks'south friendly, caring and compassionate attitude.

Provider's Perceived Outcomes

Satisfaction with Dr. Marks's understanding and interpretation of outcomes.

General Feedback

Satisfaction with the general experience they've had equally a patient of Dr. Marks.

Patient Loyalty to Provider

Patients' perception of their likeliness to go see Dr. Marks again.

Clarity of Instructions

Evaluation of how clear Dr. Marks'due south instructions were.

Thoroughness of Exam

Satisfaction with the thoroughness of the test performed by Dr. Marks.

Affiliated Practices

Affiliated Hospitals

Map Placeholder

As a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist, Dr. Marks may see patients with the following 23 conditions. Please always bank check with Dr. Marks directly about what conditions she treats, since she may treat additional conditions not listed here.

Unfortunately, nosotros couldn't discover whatever matching results.

  • Activities of Daily Living (ADL)

  • Arthritis

  • Residue Issues

  • Brain Damage

  • Bursitis

  • Car Accident Injuries

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD)

  • Low Dorsum Pain

  • Cervix Hurting

  • Nervus Harm

  • Osteoarthritis (OA)

  • Painful Disorders

  • Paraplegia

  • Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFS)

  • Concrete Rehabilitation

  • Pinched Nervus

  • Mail Amputation

  • Sciatica

  • Spondylolisthesis

  • Spondylolysis

  • Stroke

  • Traumatic Brain Injury

According to our data, Dr. Marks performs the following procedures.

Many physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists have received payments from medical companies ranging from small amounts in the form of food at conferences to large payments for consulting or royalties. Some have received payments for specific drugs. These payments are not necessarily cause for concern, but we encourage yous to speak with Dr. Marks if they do raise whatsoever questions or bug.

Total Payments Received Between 2014 and 2018

Dr. Marks received less money than a majority (80%) of physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists nationally. This overall payment amount is low, and is non necessarily a cause for concern. This graph represents payments Dr. Marks received relative to the median payment received by like doctors.

For more data near specific types of payments, see the breakdown of payments by category.

Expense Categories

The payments received past concrete medicine and rehabilitation specialists can range beyond a diverseness of different categories. These tin include travel and lodging, food and beverages from conferences, or fees for promotional speaking or consulting engagements. Some have too received payments from royalties or licenses, usually from having helped develop a product or drug.

This nautical chart represents the breakdown of payments Dr. Marks has received by specific category of payment. See the breakdown of payments by company.

Company Payments

These payments come from specific medical companies, sometimes for specific drugs. If yous have any questions or concerns most the specific visitor or drug payments Dr. Marks has received, we encourage you to speak with her straight.

This chart represents the breakdown of payments Dr. Marks has received from specific medical companies, including payments for drugs and medical products.

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist

Physicians that specialize in physical medicine and rehabilitation are known as physiatrists; they treat a broad range of disabling weather condition that inhibit the body'southward office and crusade pain. Physiatrists piece of work with patients of all ages experiencing pain, weakness, or inability that prevents them from living the life they desire. They are committed to treating the whole individual, rather than just the trouble area, to help amend their patients' quality of life.

Where is Dr. Jennifer E. Marks'south office located?

Dr. Jennifer Due east. Marks's office is located at 1500 Assembly Drive, Dubuque, IA 52002. View a map and get directions on CareDash.

Does Dr. Jennifer E. Marks accept insurance?

Yep, Dr. Jennifer E. Marks accepts CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield. Delight bank check Dr. Marks's profile to see all the insurance providers she accepts.

What conditions does Dr. Jennifer Due east. Marks care for?

Equally a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist, Dr. Jennifer East. Marks may treat Activities of Daily Living (ADL), Arthritis, and Balance Problems, in addition to other conditions. Delight check Dr. Marks's contour to see all the conditions she treats.

Does Dr. Jennifer E. Marks accept Medicare?

According to our records, Dr. Jennifer E. Marks may accept Medicare. Please contact Dr. Marks to verify eligibility earlier booking an appointment.

Which practices is Dr. Jennifer E. Marks affiliated with?

Dr. Jennifer Due east. Marks is affiliated with 5 practices, including Anne Arundel Orthopaedic Surgeons PA. Please view Dr. Marks'due south profile to run across additional affiliations.

  • Consulting fees that companies pay to doctors, to become their input about their products and research
  • Companies paying doctors to speak about their products at conferences
  • Companies taking doctors out to dinner to tell them nigh a new drug or medical device
  • Companies paying for travel, hotel rooms, and food at medical conferences

Connect with patients


Source: https://www.caredash.com/doctors/jennifer-marks-do-dubuque-ia

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